and I'm dedicated to transforming lives and careers by empowering Kingdom Powerhouse individuals to unapologetically display their faith in business and leadership without compromise. My journey as a best-selling author and creator of the transformative 7-Figure Faith COMPASS has propelled me onto the international stage, where I help leaders and authors unlock their full potential and navigate their path to millions.

In the past year alone, I've launched eight new authors, with the last four achieving bestseller status. These trailblazers have established profitable, scalable platforms and ignited significant movements, leveraging my expertise in business, branding, and leadership. My work doesn't just produce authors; it creates leaders poised to make an enduring impact.

As a builder of movements and curator of the upcoming Millions Retreat, I am committed to helping leaders step into their legacy and destiny. My speaking engagements and publications not only inspire but also provide practical tools to activate faith and achieve greatness.

If you're ready to embrace a lifestyle of Resting in God while actively pursuing your calling, I invite you to join me. Whether you're seeking a powerful speaker for your next event or a guide to help you write and market your breakthrough book, I am here to elevate you to your seven-figure faith journey.

Explore how we can collaborate to transform your life and work. Connect with me to embrace your path to impact and prosperity.

From Homeless to Harvest: How 120 Publishing Plucked Me Out of Poverty

After five years of selflessly helping women birth their stories and offering business strategy for free, Taushauna found herself at a crossroads. Despite her seven-year run in entrepreneurship, the looming possibility of quitting and embracing a job in tech sales stared her in the face. A series of unsuccessful job interviews left her questioning her path. Frustrated but determined, she turned to the heavens and asked God for guidance.

A Surrendered Plan and a Choice to Trust

In a pivotal moment of surrender, amid financial struggles, God spoke a life-altering directive: shut down every business and side hustle she had and go on an Esther Fast. 3 days after that fast, God gave her the insight to the people He wanted her to serve in the future. Taushauna, without a clear roadmap but with unwavering trust, chose to partner with God's plan for her to amplify the voices of Kingdom women in business and ministry through premium media outlets. Little did she know, this decision would set the stage for an extraordinary transformation.

🏠 Eviction and Resilience: Building Amidst Adversity

A mere month into the journey to trust God and start her new business under God's direction, adversity knocked at the door – Taushauna and her family faced wrongful eviction, thrust into a season of uncertainty. Forced to live with a neighbor, the struggle seemed insurmountable. Yet, fueled by faith and unwavering determination, she pressed on.



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From Four Walls to Four Figures: The Turning Point

In the midst of trials, a breakthrough emerged. Taushauna secured her first four-figure client, a testament to her resilience and the divine plan at play. Humbled, she sought guidance and hired the two coaches God led her to, marking a pivotal moment in the trajectory of 120 Publishing. In just 16 weeks, what began as a humble venture evolved into a luxury brand for publishing and a thriving six-figure business.

Surrendered Plans, Divine Guidance: A Testament of Faith

My journey from contemplating a job in tech sales to becoming the force behind 120 Publishing is a living testament to the power of being in the right position with God. When plans were surrendered, and trust was placed in divine will, abundance flowed from blind obedience. This is not just a success story; it's a testament to the miraculous journey that unfolds when you align your path with the greater plan written by the Almighty.