The Unstoppable Power of Faith

Jun 11, 2024

The Unstoppable Power of Faith

A Milestone Moment

I have some incredible news to share! We are officially Top An Amazon #1 Top Release and #5 and climbing on the Bestseller List! After 12 days we are officially Best Sellers, with our book clocking in on day 1 as an 100 Amazon Authors, with our book debuting at #71 out of 715,647 other books released that day! Yes, you read that right—we are best sellers! Everything is unfolding exactly as God promised, and it's all happening in His perfect timing. He assured me that I would wake up one day as a best seller, and now that promise has come to pass. I know He will fulfill His word for those who get this book—their lives will never be the same. A wealth mantle and success impartation await them, and they will go on to do great things with the Deuteronomy 8:18 idea or ability that God will release into their lives.

The Journey to a Best Seller

This past weekend marked the official release of the book God placed in my heart just 90 days ago. With divine inspiration and a strategic plan, we launched a book designed to equip His people, those called to BIG things, with the faith necessary to accomplish it. And let me tell you, it didn’t stop there! Everything God revealed to me about this book has rapidly and efficiently come to pass. There is so much getting ready to hit the hands, the hearts, and the homes of people who are activating their faith in this season!

Faith: The Ultimate Game Changer

The power of faith transcends not just our problems but the biases of people too. In a world where life is tough, but God is bigger, people are searching for solutions to life's stressors. Meanwhile, God is seeking the faithful to confound the ways of the world and guide the stressed towards a blessed life.

A Book for the SOMEBODYs

  This book is destined to find its way into the hands of those seeking God's blessing to become a blessing to others. It’s not just for anybody—it’s for the SOMEBODYs! You may not yet know all that God wants you to do, but you know you are SOMEBODY He wants to use. You're more than willing, and you're just looking for the way!

Your C.O.M.P.A.S.S. to Greatness

Let this book be your clarity, your light, and your literal C.O.M.P.A.S.S., guiding you to greater heights. This weekend's release was just the beginning. Everything God showed me and told me about this book has already come to pass, and there is so much more in store for those who activate their faith through its pages.

Order your copy today and let your journey begin!

Are you ready to transform your life and fulfill the BIG things God has called you to? This book will equip you with the faith necessary to accomplish your dreams and leave a lasting impact on the world. Order your copy today and step into the greatness that God has prepared for you!


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