Welcome to the Journey of 7-Figure Faith

May 02, 2024

Welcome to the Journey of 7-Figure Faith

Hello everyone,

I’m Taushauna Burrel, and I'm thrilled to finally share a project that has not only transformed my life but is set to inspire and empower yours. "7-Figure Faith" is more than a book; it’s a divine calling to awaken the dormant potential within you—the potential to achieve monumental success in the marketplace while rooted deeply in faith.

The Birth of 7-Figure Faith

This journey began with a divine unction—a clear and potent call to write a book that speaks directly to the women I am destined to impact. It’s a book for the visionary woman, the driven entrepreneur, and the faith-led leader who sees beyond the immediate to the millions in impact and wealth that await.

"7-Figure Faith" is a manifesto for those who are not only called to accumulate wealth but to distribute it, influencing nations and shaping the marketplace with integrity and godly principles. It is for those who are ready to embrace their call to greatness, powered by a faith that believes in miracles.

Why This Book? Why Now?

In a world where the noise of cynicism and the clamor of doubt often drown out the whispers of faith and the calls to divine purpose, there is a need for a clear, biblical compass. This book provides that guidance. It is crafted for those who know deep down that they are destined for more—more impact, more influence, and more income.

7-Figure Faith embodies the principles needed to activate and walk in the mantle of millions. It’s anchored in the truth that with God, all things are possible—to those who believe and act.

What to Expect from 7-Figure Faith

This book isn’t just theory. It’s a practical guide that marries everyday discipline with spiritual wisdom to achieve extraordinary outcomes. Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Transformative Insights: Learn how to apply biblical principles to real-world business challenges.
  • Practical Strategies: From personal branding to strategic investments, get ready to master the marketplace.
  • Community and Support: Join our exclusive Facebook community, "7-Figure Faith'ers," where we continue the conversation, share resources, and celebrate our wins.

Join the Movement

As we prepare for the official launch, I invite you to join this transformative journey. Engage with us in our Facebook community, participate in pre-launch activities, and get ready to turn the page to a new chapter in your life—one where faith and action create unprecedented success.

I believe in the power of this book to not only inspire but also to ignite a revolution of faith-led entrepreneurship. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur looking for divine alignment, "7-Figure Faith" is for you.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let’s step into our greatness together, with faith as our guide.

[Click here to join the "7-Figure Faith'ers" Facebook Group and get exclusive access to insights, resources, and the community support you need on your journey to 7-figure success.]


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